[FIX] [ENH] Faster Sorted Collections

Stephen T. Pope stp at create.ucsb.edu
Mon Dec 6 13:26:45 UTC 1999

What's a fix to an enhancement classified as??

I just noticed that there was one method missing from the
SortedCollection speed-up code. It's included below, and the whole
corrected change set is included as an attachment.

!SortedCollection methodsFor: '-- all --' stamp: 'stp 12/05/1999 07:09'!
sortBlock: aBlock 
	"Make the argument, aBlock, be the criterion for ordering elements of

		ifNotNil: [sortBlock := aBlock fixTemps]
		ifNil: [sortBlock := aBlock].
	"The sortBlock must copy its home context, so as to avoid circularities!!"
	"Therefore sortBlocks with side effects may not work right"
	self size > 0 ifTrue: [self reSort]! !


  Stephen Travis Pope
  stp at create.ucsb.edu -- http://www.create.ucsb.edu/~stp
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'From Squeak 2.4a of April 21, 1999 on 23 April 1999 at 5:33:11 am'!

!SortedCollection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'stp 04/23/1999 05:32'!
defaultSort: i to: j 
	"Sort elements i through j of self to be nondescending according to
	sortBlock."	"Assume the default sort block ([:x :y | x <= y])."

	| di dij dj tt ij k l n |
	"The prefix d means the data at that index."
	(n _ j + 1  - i) <= 1 ifTrue: [^self].	"Nothing to sort." 
	 "Sort di,dj."
	di _ array at: i.
	dj _ array at: j.
	(di <= dj) "i.e., should di precede dj?"
			[array swap: i with: j.
			 tt _ di.
			 di _ dj.
			 dj _ tt].
	n > 2
		ifTrue:  "More than two elements."
			[ij _ (i + j) // 2.  "ij is the midpoint of i and j."
			 dij _ array at: ij.  "Sort di,dij,dj.  Make dij be their median."
			 (di <= dij) "i.e. should di precede dij?"
				[(dij <= dj) "i.e., should dij precede dj?"
					[array swap: j with: ij.
					 dij _ dj]]
			   ifFalse:  "i.e. di should come after dij"
				[array swap: i with: ij.
				 dij _ di].
			n > 3
			  ifTrue:  "More than three elements."
				["Find k>i and l<j such that dk,dij,dl are in reverse order.
				Swap k and l.  Repeat this procedure until k and l pass each other."
				 k _ i.
				 l _ j.
				 [[l _ l - 1.  k <= l and: [dij <= (array at: l)]]
				   whileTrue.  "i.e. while dl succeeds dij"
				  [k _ k + 1.  k <= l and: [(array at: k) <= dij]]
				   whileTrue.  "i.e. while dij succeeds dk"
				  k <= l]
					[array swap: k with: l]. 
	"Now l<k (either 1 or 2 less), and di through dl are all less than or equal to dk
	through dj.  Sort those two segments."
				self defaultSort: i to: l.
				self defaultSort: k to: j]]! !

!SortedCollection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'stp 04/23/1999 05:33'!
sort: i to: j 
	"Sort elements i through j of self to be nondescending according to

	| di dij dj tt ij k l n |
	sortBlock ifNil: [^self defaultSort: i to: j].
	"The prefix d means the data at that index."
	(n _ j + 1  - i) <= 1 ifTrue: [^self].	"Nothing to sort." 
	 "Sort di,dj."
	di _ array at: i.
	dj _ array at: j.
	(sortBlock value: di value: dj) "i.e., should di precede dj?"
			[array swap: i with: j.
			 tt _ di.
			 di _ dj.
			 dj _ tt].
	n > 2
		ifTrue:  "More than two elements."
			[ij _ (i + j) // 2.  "ij is the midpoint of i and j."
			 dij _ array at: ij.  "Sort di,dij,dj.  Make dij be their median."
			 (sortBlock value: di value: dij) "i.e. should di precede dij?"
				[(sortBlock value: dij value: dj) "i.e., should dij precede dj?"
					[array swap: j with: ij.
					 dij _ dj]]
			   ifFalse:  "i.e. di should come after dij"
				[array swap: i with: ij.
				 dij _ di].
			n > 3
			  ifTrue:  "More than three elements."
				["Find k>i and l<j such that dk,dij,dl are in reverse order.
				Swap k and l.  Repeat this procedure until k and l pass each other."
				 k _ i.
				 l _ j.
				 [[l _ l - 1.  k <= l and: [sortBlock value: dij value: (array at: l)]]
				   whileTrue.  "i.e. while dl succeeds dij"
				  [k _ k + 1.  k <= l and: [sortBlock value: (array at: k) value: dij]]
				   whileTrue.  "i.e. while dij succeeds dk"
				  k <= l]
					[array swap: k with: l]. 
	"Now l<k (either 1 or 2 less), and di through dl are all less than or equal to dk
	through dj.  Sort those two segments."
				self sort: i to: l.
				self sort: k to: j]]! !

!SortedCollection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'stp 04/23/1999 05:36'!
indexForInserting: newObject

	| index low high |
	low _ firstIndex.
	high _ lastIndex.
	sortBlock isNil
		ifTrue: [[index _ high + low // 2.  low > high]
				[((array at: index) <= newObject)
					ifTrue: [low _ index + 1]
					ifFalse: [high _ index - 1]]]
		ifFalse: [[index _ high + low // 2.  low > high]
				[(sortBlock value: (array at: index) value: newObject)
					ifTrue: [low _ index + 1]
					ifFalse: [high _ index - 1]]].
	^low! !

!SortedCollection class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'stp 04/23/1999 05:34'!
new: anInteger 
	"The default sorting function is a <= comparison on elements."

	^(super new: anInteger) "sortBlock: [:x :y | x <= y]" 		"nil sortBlock OK"! !

!SortedCollection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'stp 12/05/1999 07:09'!
sortBlock: aBlock 
	"Make the argument, aBlock, be the criterion for ordering elements of the 

		ifNotNil: [sortBlock := aBlock fixTemps]
		ifNil: [sortBlock := aBlock].
	"The sortBlock must copy its home context, so as to avoid circularities!!"
	"Therefore sortBlocks with side effects may not work right"
	self size > 0 ifTrue: [self reSort]! !

(StringHolder new textContents:
	For a demonstration of the faster sorted collections, evaluate the following expression

"	| co ra sc |
	co := OrderedCollection new.
	ra := Random new.
	50000 timesRepeat: [ co add: ra next].
	sc := SortedCollection new.
	Transcript cr; show: ''Fast: '',  (Time millisecondsToRun: [sc addAll: co]) printString, '' msec''; cr.
	sc := SortedCollection sortBlock: [:x :y | x <= y].
	Transcript show: ''Slow: '', (Time millisecondsToRun: [sc addAll: co]) printString, '' msec''; cr.

'))	openLabel: 'Faster SortedCollections test'!

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