[ENH] Refactores balloon help text support

Scott Wallace Scott.Wallace at disney.com
Thu Dec 23 22:23:41 UTC 1999


You are correct that the code for finding the best balloon location 
never worked properly, so this fix was very much needed and is 
extremely welcome.  Thank you very much!

I also agree that the "only one balloon can be visible at a time" 
restriction is too restrictive and that we need a way to allow some 
balloons to persist, even while by default we continue to enforce the 
one-balloon principle.  I hope that others on the list take a look at 
your scheme here and offer their feedback.

And don't worry -- I can assure you that your efforts, even if they 
turn out to require some tweaking for 2.7 (which I'll make certain 
gets done if necessary), will *not* be wasted!

Thanks again -- this is an important contribution.

   -- Scott

At 8:56 PM +0100 12/23/99, Stefan Matthias Aust wrote:
> >From the change file:
>"Refactored balloon support:  The balloon morph now really finds its best
>location - this never worked before I think.  Stepping now works even with
>no target morph.  Furthermore, you can now remove an existing help text
>again and customize the help text color for your own morphs."
>I wanted to understand and use the BalloonMorph to display "speech bubble".
> This was the first step.  See below.
>All changes are for 2.6 but will hopefully also work with 2.7.  I'd be
>really glad if this effort wasn't wasted time...
>There's one problem left:  The method #showBalloon: will first delete all
>existing instances of BalloonMorph before showing a new one.  This also
>affects my own speech bubbles :-(  This is done to make sure that there's
>only one help text at a given time - but still, I think this is not the
>right way to do this.
>I'd suggest to makeup a global world property #balloon which remembers the
>current balloon and then show balloon will only remove that balloon not
>touching mine.  Currently, every morph has such a property but it doesn't
>really use it.
>I've now also added a change set that implements this idea.  It seems to
>work - at least in a full screen morphic world.  I'd appreciate if somebody
>else would comment on these changes.
>Attachment converted: Mfalme:Balloon-Patch.23Dec822pm.zip 
>(pZIP/pZIP) (0002F5FC)
>Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="Balloon-Enh.23Dec854pm.cs"
>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Balloon-Enh.23Dec854pm.cs"
>Attachment converted: Mfalme:Balloon-Enh.23Dec854pm.cs (????/----) (0002F5FD)
>Stefan Matthias Aust  //  Bevor wir fallen, fallen wir lieber auf.

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