Mac USB MDI interfaces

John.Maloney at John.Maloney at
Sun Dec 19 00:11:51 UTC 1999

>This may be slightly "off subject", but I want to use Squeak on a 
>Power Mac with no serial ports (USB only). Are there USB -> serial 
>interfaces that will support MIDI? I have a Yamaha keyboard with MIDI 
>that works fine on older (serial equipped) Macs, but want to use this 
>keyboard with a new Mac.
>--dick peskin

Mark Guzdial was also asking about this. I suspect that the only
way to use a MIDI interface through USB is through Opcode's
Open MIDI System or Mark of the Unicorn's FreeMIDI. Stephen
Pope's Siren MIDI VM is the only way to do OMS MIDI at the moment.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I suspect that Squeak's simple
serial-port MIDI primitives will NOT work through a USB to serial
port converter. (I'd be delighted to be wrong about this!) The reason
I don't think it will work is that the serial port MIDI uses an
external clock to get the desired MIDI baud rate, and I would
be surprised if the USB-to-serial converter allowed external clocking.
I'd check that it worked before purchasing a converter just for MIDI.

*** If anyone tries it, please send a report to the Squeak list! ***

If anyone knows more about what software is needed to talk to
USB MIDI interfaces, please let me know. I'd love to find a solution
that works on any Mac without installing an additional package
so some form of MIDI would be available for casual MIDI users
as soon as they install Squeak. Serious MIDI users would probably
already have--and would and would want--OMS or FreeMIDI.

	-- John

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