debugging broken in 2.6?

Tim Olson tim at
Tue Dec 7 05:44:24 UTC 1999

>Tim Olson <tim at> wrote ...
>>Has anyone else had difficulty debugging in 2.6?  I used to insert a 
>>"self halt" at the point I wanted to drop into a debugger, but that 
>>doesn't seem to work quite right, anymore (has to do with the new 
>>Exception Handling package?)  I tried "Halt signal", and that seems to 
>>stop at the right point, but the keys for step (t) and send (e) don't 
>>work, and sometimes stepping winds up far down the context stack from 
>>where I was.

OK, I tracked down my keystroke problem -- it was forgetfulness on my 
part.  At one point in time, the debugger shortcut keys were the 
unmodified keys ('t' to step, 'e' to send), but when the debugger context 
stack pane became a PluggableTextMorph, the unmodified keys became the 
way to select an entry which begins with that letter.

This was the cause of the confusing disconnect -- I would (incorrectly) 
type an unmodified 't' to step, and see the context stack jump way down 
on the list (to the entry TextMorphEditor>>evaluateSelection, because it 
begins with 't'), and I thought that somehow the step executed 
incorrectly, when in fact there was no step performed, it was the 
PluggableTextMorph doing auto selection.

Using the "command" modifier for the debugger key shortcuts works fine.

There may or may not be an additional problem lurking in the debugger (I 
have seen an initialized variable become nil, at one point), but I think 
this clears up most, if not all of the problems I was having...

     -- tim

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