How difficult is multiple inheritance?

Stefan Matthias Aust sma at
Sat Jan 2 21:23:38 UTC 1999


I wondered how easy (or difficult) it would be to add support for multiple
superclasses (aka parents) to Squeak. I think, there's just one method
Interpreter>>lookupMethodInClass: which would be affected by the change.

Let's say, I create a new subclass of Behavior (called MapClass) which has
an additional instance variable called "parents" that can contain nil or an
(possible empty) array of other Behavior instances.  

Then I'd modify the first part of the lookup method as follows

  currentClass := class.
  [currentClass ~= nilObj] whileTrue: [
    "{ new/replaced code"
    mapClass := self lookupWithParentMaps: currentClass.
    mapClass ~= nilObj ifTrue: [^ mapClass].
    currentClass := self superclassOf: currentClass].

and write a new method (things in {{}} are pseudo code)

lookupWithParentMaps: aClass
  | dictionary found parents mapClass dictionary |
  self inline: true.
  "{ copied from old method"
  dictionary := self 
    fetchPointer: MessageDictionaryIndex
    ofObject: currentClass.
  found := self lookupMethodInDictionary: dictionary.
  found ifTrue: [^ currentClass].
  (self isMapClass: aClass) ifFalse: [^ nilObj].
  parents := self
    fetchPointer: {{indexOf('parents')}}
    ofObject: aClass.
  parents ~= nilObj ifTrue: [
    1 to: {{parents size}} do: [:index |
      mapClass := {{parents at: index}}.
      mapClass := self lookupParentMaps: mapClass.
      mapClass ~= nilObj ifTrue: [^ mapClass]]].
  ^ nilObj

and finally invent some solution for the #isMapClass: method (are there any
format bits left?! Does anybody know?) then, well, then would this already
add multiple inheritance?

I'd like to hear your comments before I'll actually start some VM hacking.
I'd even gracefully accept a patched and newly compiled Windows VM :-)

Stefan Matthias Aust  //  Are you ready to discover the twilight zone?

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