Good references covering Smalltalk-80

Tim Rowledge rowledge at
Wed Jan 6 17:13:46 UTC 1999

On Wed 06 Jan, Brian wrote:
> Can anybody suggest a few good reference books on Smalltalk-80?  I
> program in C++, so I'm familiar with OO concepts.  Plus, I learn better
> by example, so would be greatly interested in references with lots of
> annotated examples.
Brian, start from and follow links from there.
There are lots and lots of explicatory sources for Squeak nad Smalltalk in

PS   'I program in C++, so I'm familiar with OO concepts.' - what a brave
claim :-) :-)

Useful random insult:- Moves his lips to pretend he's reading.
Tim Rowledge:  rowledge at (w)  +1 (650) 842-6110 (w)
 tim at (h)  <>

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