[ENH]Utility to show all Processes

Mark A. Schwenk mas at wellthot.com
Thu Jul 29 02:38:37 UTC 1999

The first version I sent out was susceptible to having garbage processes build up before the process list was iterated over. I have added a Smalltalk garbageCollect  just before the list is printed to fix this problem. I'm sorry for the aggravation I may have cause others (and myself!).

"Mark A. Schwenk" wrote:
> Here is a simple utility I have written to display the stack of all Processes.
> Someday it would be nice to extend this with a Morphic interface that could show the processes sorted in descending order by CPU usage, allow you to suspend processes, resume processes, terminate processes, connect to process with the debugger, etc.
> In the meantime, perhaps this will be useful to someone else, especially if you are running the multi-threaded PWS server and want to keep track of your processes.
> After filing in, execute
>         Utilities processes
> to open a workspace showing the entire stack of each process.
> -Mark Schwenk
>  WellThot Inc.

'From Squeak 2.4c of May 10, 1999 on 28 July 1999 at 9:31:09 pm'!

!ContextPart methodsFor: 'debugger access' stamp: 'mas 7/1/1999 22:38'!
	"Answer a String showing all contexts on my sender chain."
	| stackStream |
	stackStream _ WriteStream on: (String new: 55*30).
	(self stack) do: 
		[:item | stackStream print: item; cr].
	^stackStream contents! !

!Utilities class methodsFor: 'support windows' stamp: 'mas 7/28/1999 21:30'!
	| s |
	s _ WriteStream on: (String new: 1000).
	Smalltalk garbageCollect.
	Process allInstances do: [ :p |
		p suspendedContext ifNotNil: [
				nextPutAll: (p suspendedContext entireStack);
		(StringHolder new contents: s contents)
			openLabel: 'Processes'
! !

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