WordNet English lexicon access

Ted K. Ted.Kaehler at disney.com
Mon Jul 19 00:50:48 UTC 1999

Steve Wart,

	WordNet is indeed neat.  Thank you for the pointer to it!  Here is
a simple fileIn that lets you pull in information about English words from
the WordNet site while inside Squeak.   It gives programatic access to the
WordNet lexicon. at http://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/cgi-bin/webwn/
	First get the definition of a word.  The other calls work from the
saved web page for that word.

DD _ WordNet new.	"one instance per word"
DD definition: 'balloon'.	   "<-  the word you want"

DD parts "of speech".
	 OrderedCollection ('noun' 'verb' )
DD sensesFor: 'noun'.   "how many definitions for this part of speech"
DD def: 1 for: 'noun'.
	 '(large tough non-rigid bag filled with gas or hot air)'

(This fileIn will be in release 2.5 along with Scott Wallace's better user
interface for it.)


Attachment converted: Anon:EngLang-tkKV-1.cs (TEXT/MSIE) (0000B493)
Ted Kaehler,   Walt Disney Imagineering, R&D
(home) 3415 Cork Oak Way, Palo Alto, CA  94303.  voice (650) 424-1070
Medical Progress in your lifetime:  Anne Miller, the first person saved by
penicillin in 1942, lived until this May.

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