Error in SqueakV2.sources?

Jim Menard jimm at
Thu Jun 3 12:20:06 UTC 1999

I seem to have found a problem with SqueakV2.sources. I installed a vanilla
Squeak 2.4b on my Mac by downloading the whole package. I noticed that the
first N characters were chopped off from all method source and class
comments, starting after class Character. After looking at the file
SqueakV2.sources, I inserted a single '!' that seems to be missing after
the CharacterBlock class comment.

That seems to fix everything a few classes after Character, but there is
still a problem. CharacterBlock doesn't show up in the browser, and
CharacterSet's class comment and methods display the same problem (the
beginning of the comment is chopped off).

First, am I the only person with this problem? Second, what's the best way
to fix it? I don't want to go around in SqueakV2.sources and randomly add
'!' all over the place.


Rectangle subclass: #CharacterBlock
	  instanceVariableNames: 'stringIndex text textLine '
	  classVariableNames: ''
	  poolDictionaries: 'TextConstants '
	  category: 'Graphics-Support'!
!CharacterBlock commentStamp: 'di 5/22/1998 16:32' prior: 0!
CharacterBlock comment:
'My instances contain information about displayed characters. They are used to return the results of methods:
   Paragraph characterBlockAtPoint: aPoint and
   Paragraph characterBlockForIndex: stringIndex.
Any recomposition or movement of a Paragraph can make the instance obsolete.'!

!CharacterBlock methodsFor: 'accessing'!
    "Answer the position of the receiver in the string it indexes."

    ^stringIndex! !

Jim Menard   jimm at   BeOS developer #1283
"If at first you don't succeed, don't go skydiving." -- Unknown

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