More on Random

Jesse Welton jwelton at
Fri Jun 11 21:32:17 UTC 1999

David N. Smith \ wrote:
> Anyhow, how about this:
> 	seed := (Time millisecondClockValue bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF)
> 			bitXor: self hash + 1.
> The #bitAnd: assures that the clock value is less than the value 'm' and
> removes dependencies on the maximum clock value; it might change some day!
> The #bitXor: assures that the result is not zero, and the addition of 1
> assures against self hash answering zero. Most of this is paranoia, but
> then that's a disease old programmers get!
> Anyone see anything I missed?

Doesn't this initialize the seed to 0 if

(Time millisecondClockValue bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF) = (self hash + 1)?

That is, I think you need to bind the #bitXor: tighter than the #+, as

	seed := ((Time millisecondClockValue bitAnd: 16r3FFFFFFF)
			bitXor: self hash) + 1.

Who said Smalltalk doesn't have operator precidence problems?  :)


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