genuine squeak newbie

John Buffington jbuff at
Sun Jun 20 10:06:09 UTC 1999

self delurk
       I'm another,
       been programming for too many years, 
       8,16,32 bit assembler for Mot,Intel,Zilog.
       Fortran, Basic, Pascal, PL/1/M, C, C++,
       Got exposed to Smalltalk with Byte Magazine, 
       and bought the ST-80 books when they appeared.
       From them I got a philosophy of programming that
       has served me well. Except for a brief flirtation with
       a bootleg copy of Digitalk V Smalltalk in the 80's, I've never 
       actually worked in a Smalltalk enviornment before. 
       The recent flurry of tutorials here have been a great help
        to me, and I'd like to thank everybody for their contributions.
        It's true I haven't had much to say, but I am making progress.
        I'm actually a little awed that Alan Kay and Dan Ingalls (just
        to mention a couple of the auspicious names associated with
        this list) might read my posts.

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