ORB stuff hacked version...

Peter Smet peter.smet at flinders.edu.au
Thu Jun 17 22:48:42 UTC 1999

I am posting a hurried change set for those interested
in the ORB. I know it is not good to use the list for this,
but I promise not to make a habit of it.

The good new is that the connections framework by
tim jones that I pointed to is brilliant. With just a minor
bit of subclassing and method overriding, there
is now a hacked ORB that will pass smalltalk
objects over any network connection
(all credit to tim)

It is completely unusable at present, so this post is
only for anyone interested in working on it.

I am testing the connections within a single
image, which is leading to funny results.

When the ORB invokes perform: aMessage
on the locally held object, the perform uses
the lookup table of the RemoteProxy object
rather than the real object...

This needs a bit of looking into..

Also, since someone raised the issue off the
list, is it possible to use the 'update from server'
feature for projects? That way, anyone working
on ORB stuff could file the latest change set
for the ORB into their image...

How would this be done?



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