Native widget set ofr X

Joerg Brunsmann Joerg.Brunsmann at
Fri Mar 5 13:34:21 UTC 1999

Stephen Pope wrote:
> "Mark A. Schwenk" wrote:
> >
> > Michael Roth wrote:
> > >
> > > I had read a rumor about a month ago or so that someone was writing a
> > > native widget set for Squeak in Qt or gtk.  I haven't been able to track
> > > it down though.  Is there actually such a thing?
> >
> > I believe the following link is what you are looking for
> >
> >
> >
> > -Mark Schwenk, WellThot Inc.
> This begs the question as to whether anyone has tried this native widget set out
> on other flavors of UNIX, or even non-UNIX X servers -- has anyone?.`

I compiled this on Solaris and it worked. QT and Gtk are available for a great 
number of unix flavors. Yes, Markus, the Win32 GTK port is available here:

Also, the wxWindows is still a candidate for cross platform widgets

I would give it try on Win32 but I don't have a Microsoft Visual C++ compiler 
which the Squeak Win32 C source assumes, I assume. This begs the question why 
all the squeak source code is spread all over the world working with different
compilers. That's unfortunate because 70% of the C source code is generated
and simple C code. Given so little hand crafted C source code one might ask:
why is there no code sharing between different source code distribution for 
different platforms. If you think that cross platform code sharing is something 
to talk about, perhaps we should make the Squeak Windows port compilable 
with Mingw32

and share the C source code for Win32 and Unix? That achieved, would make
cross platform widgets with Squeak easier to make a reality.



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