Must _ go like the Dodo?

Michael S. Klein mklein at
Tue Mar 16 15:54:08 UTC 1999

> Folks -
> I couldn't care less about _, except that I have heard a lot of reasons
> *from people on this list* for wanting to use _ as a normal character and
> not for assignment.
> What I said above means we won't do it right away, not we're planning to
> do
> it soon.  Jeesh.
> Was there anything else of interest in those messages?
>       - Dan

The first sentence you wrote sounds like you don't care about
variable assignment :-)

Seriously, this isn't the first time nor will it be the last time this issue 
popped up, and U+2190 (left arrow) was discussed.

I think it is important to keep separate the issues of 

	character encodings (what is   95 asCharacter  )
	the syntax of the language (how to initialize Scaner)
	keyboard mappings   (InputSensor >># characterForKeycode: )

Mike "Unicode weenie" Klein
mklein at

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