Floating point exceptions

Andres Valloud sqrmax at cvtci.com.ar
Mon Mar 22 14:42:02 UTC 1999


"Jarvis, Robert P." wrote:

> Given some of the oddities observed when the Float>>raisedTo: controversy
> arose awhile back, I don't think it's surprising to find that floating point
> calculations behave differently on different platforms.  Irritating,
> aggravating, infuriating, and annoying certainly, but not surprising.  :-}

> <fifty-percent-joke>
> I think the obvious thing to do is to get rid of Floats.  They cause more
> trouble than they're worth.
> </fifty-percent-joke>

Knuth's TAOCP vol #2, a foot note paraphrased: Today's high level languages give
the programmer little or no chance to use the error signals passed by the FPU.

He wrote this is 1981, or even earlier. Sheesh!!!


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