Squeak and MySql

Joerg Brunsmann Joerg.Brunsmann at FernUni-Hagen.de
Fri Mar 5 12:50:26 UTC 1999

Hi all,

MySql (http://www.mysql.org) is an open source SQL database
server which runs on all possible platforms. Fortunately 

- MySql has a socket access interface for client connections
- a VisualWorks package exist which uses this interface

Although I don't like relational databases I ported this library 
to Squeak 2.3 (why aren't Squeak sockets streamable ;-) in order 
to make Squeak even more attractive. Perhaps Swiki providers 
may want to use it, too.

Download the Squeak filein and see some screenshots here:


Use the Smalltalk front end like this:

connSpec := (JdmConnectionSpec new initialize user: 'doe'; password: 'mypass').
connection := JdmConnection on: connSpec.
resultSet := statement executeQuery: 'insert into aTable (aField) values (aValue)'.
[resultSet next] whileTrue: [value := resultSet valueNamed: 'columnName'].

Have fun,


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