Fixes archive (was: entao)

Bert Freudenberg bert at isgnw.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De
Wed Mar 3 17:33:51 UTC 1999

> thoughts:
> i'm certain i've seen both of these questions discussed if not answered on
> the squeak list. the problem is that so much info flows through the list
> that it takes quite a bit of time to find even messages that i've posted,
> much less information that i only vaguely recall seeing. obviously, this is
> where the swiki pages would be ideal--they are the perfect place for
> information to accumulate. unfortunately (and this is just my impression, i
> could be off here) it seems to me that the swiki pages aren't really living
> up to their potential. i think the problem is very much a social one; the
> technology is there, but it really hasn't been integrated into our
> community. is anyone else feeling the same way? any ideas or thoughts on how
> we might change this?

I have set up an automated "fixes collector" on the GSUG Swiki at

- Downloading of attachments except for plain text is not yet
supported (you can, however, download the raw message to extract it by
- The regexp I used for filtering is, umm, not really intelligent ;-)


 Bert Freudenberg                                            Department of
                                                            Simulation and
 mailto:bert at                     Computer Graphics        Univ. of Magdeburg

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