gc and synchronization, Weak Array..

Bob Arning arning at charm.net
Mon May 10 04:26:20 UTC 1999

On Mon, 10 May 1999 09:22:36 +0930 "Peter Smet" <peter.smet at flinders.edu.au> wrote: 
>10 May	Peter Smet	gc and synchronization, Weak Array..
>The disadvantage of publish subscribe is that you must explicitly deregister
>objects from the mechanism for them to be garbage collected.
>I have tried to get around this by using  weakKeyDictionaries to hold both
>the publishers and the subscribers. If there are no remaining references to
>either the publisher or the subscriber, these will be garbage collected, and
>no events will be passed to these deceased objects.

Well, that depends on the meaning of "deceased". There will be some window of time between the last strong reference to an object disappearing and the next GC which will finalize that object out of existence. During that interval, you could access the weakly-held key and send a message to it when it probably no longer has any real interest in said message. That's just part of the package and hopefully such objects will not react adversely (other than wasting some processor cycles).

>The problem is that any key in a WKDict can be garbage collected and
>set to nil, by the gc thread. Naturally, this can break just about any code
>accessing the WKDict.

I'm not sure what needs to break. Checking for <nil> should avoid such problems (see example further down).

>To guard against the gc, WKDicts are held by class WeakArray. It looks like
>this class will warn each WKDict if one or more of it's keys are set to nil.
>is this done? I think WeakArray is warned of a loss by the VM, via the
>Finalization Semaphore. Is this right? WeakArray waits on the Finalization
>Semaphore but never signals it - so I guess the VM does the signalling?

Right. One clue to figuring this out is to observe how FinalizationSemaphore is initialized:

	FinalizationSemaphore := Smalltalk specialObjectsArray at: 42.

the "specialObjectsArray" contains those objects that the VM needs to know about. If you look at ObjectMemory>>finalizeReference:, you will see where this starts and you can follow it from there.
	self signalFinalization: oop

leads to:

signalFinalization: weakReferenceOop
	"If it is not there already, record the given semaphore index in the list of semaphores to be signaled at the next convenient moment. Set the interruptCheckCounter to zero to force a real interrupt check as soon as possible."

	interruptCheckCounter _ 0.
	pendingFinalizationSignals _ pendingFinalizationSignals + 1.

and in Interpreter>>checkForInterrupts, we see:

	"signal any pending finalizations"
	pendingFinalizationSignals > 0 ifTrue:[
		sema _ self splObj: TheFinalizationSemaphore.
		(self fetchClassOf: sema) = (self splObj: ClassSemaphore) 
			ifTrue:[self synchronousSignal: sema].
		pendingFinalizationSignals _ 0.

where the special object 41 (counting from 0, 42 if you start at 1) is signalled.

>So in essence, one must guarantee that any WKDict instance will not
>receive any messages immediately after Finalization Semaphore signals,
>and it's finalizeValues method is invoked. It seems to me that any
>message that is part of a process with higher priority than the
>in class WeakArray will break this guarantee. Random synchronization
>problems will occur.
>This is a tough nut to crack. Should all methods in WKDict be mutually
>exclusive? That way, no method can conflict with a call to finalizeValues.
>This is just as dangerous, since putting 'finalizeValues' into a blocking
>wait state (because another method in WKDict has been invoked)
>will still not prevent the gc from setting any one of the Dict's keys to
>The thread problems can be reduced to this:
>Any complex procedure in WKD must be run atomically, but
>you must respond immediately to the FinalizationSemaphore by
>invoking finalizeValues. You cannot respond immediately if
>you are running complex procedures atomically.

I don't think that one must necessarily "respond immediately to the FinalizationSemaphore". If the user of the WKD can tolerate a key of nil, then I'm not sure there is any need for immediacy here. Let's suppose you have a WKD representing the subscribers to a particular event. The keys would be the subscribers (weakly-held) and the values would be the action(s) to be taken. If the event were triggered, then something like the following would happen:

subscriberWKD keysDo: [ :k | k ifNotNil: [k doWhateverWith: (subscriberWKD at: k)]].

You may see a *lot* of nil keys here, but you can just ignore these. You may also see some keys which are no longer strongly-held elsewhere. These will be collected in the next GC, but for now they still exist and you will just send them a notification since you cannot tell if they are in the soon-to-be-collected category. So, I don't see any particular urgency to #finalizeValues for the WKD.

So, if there is not a problem with finalization being delayed a bit, then making the the methods accessing a WKD exclusive with the finalization would seem like a good idea. Such protection is a good idea whenever multiple processes at different priorities may access the same data. Remember: the Collection protocol is not advertised to be process-safe. One way to accomplish this would be to put a Semaphore in an instance variable in WeakKeyDictionary (or perhaps in a subclass, ProcessSafeWeakKeyDictionary) and use this for *all* accesses, including finalization. Another way, again in a subclass, would be to no-op the #finalizeValues method and instead rely on the normal accesses to do the same thing periodically (say every nth time #at:put: #add:, etc are sent). You could tweak "n" to trade-off wasted space in the dictionary vs. processor time to clean it up.

>I looked at Class WeakRegistry to see how it deals with these problems,
>but I suspect it has the same problems with threads and the gc....

WeakRegistry is the only user of WeakKeyDictionary (the instance variable 'valueDictionary') in the base image and all references to this variable are protected, so the only conflict would be with the finalization of this WKD which doesn't use the same protection. See above.

>Any insights into making WKDict process-safe greatly appreciated...


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