Obscuring the cursor while you type (revised)

Bob Arning arning at charm.net
Sat May 8 21:01:52 UTC 1999

The code I offered yesterday for obscuring the cursor while typing had the unfortunate effect of sometimes failing to restore the cursor - quite annoying, really. The code below does a better job.


==================filein below===============
'From Squeak 2.4b of April 23, 1999 on 8 May 1999 at 12:23:58 am'!
Cursor subclass: #ObscuredCursor
	instanceVariableNames: 'previousCursor previousCursorPoint '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Graphics-Display Objects'!

!Object methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'RAA 5/7/1999 12:48'!

	^ false! !

!Cursor methodsFor: 'displaying' stamp: 'RAA 5/8/1999 00:09'!
obscureCursorAt: aPoint

	ObscuredCursor new
		setPreviousCursor: self
		previousCursorPoint: aPoint! !

!Cursor methodsFor: 'displaying' stamp: 'RAA 5/8/1999 00:12'!
unobscureCursorAt: aPoint

	"we are not obscured, so do nothing"
! !

!HandMorph methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'RAA 5/8/1999 00:18'!
handleEvent: evt
	eventSubscribers do: [:m | m handleEvent: evt].
	(evt anyButtonPressed and:
	 [evt controlKeyPressed and:
	 [lastEvent anyButtonPressed not]]) ifTrue:
		[eventTransform _ MorphicTransform identity.
		lastEvent _ evt.
		^ self invokeMetaMenu: evt].

		evt blueButtonPressed ifTrue:
			[lastEvent blueButtonPressed 
				ifTrue: [^ self specialDrag: evt]
				ifFalse: [eventTransform _ MorphicTransform identity.
						lastEvent _ evt.
						^ self specialGesture: evt]].
	lastEvent _ evt.
	self position ~= evt cursorPoint
		ifTrue: [self position: evt cursorPoint].

	evt isMouse ifTrue: [
		Sensor currentCursor unobscureCursorAt: evt cursorPoint.
		evt isMouseMove ifTrue: [^ self handleMouseMove: evt].
		evt isMouseDown ifTrue: [ ^ self handleMouseDown: evt].
		evt isMouseUp ifTrue: [^ self handleMouseUp: evt]]. 

	evt isKeystroke ifTrue: [
		keyboardFocus wantsObscuredCursor ifTrue: [
			Sensor currentCursor obscureCursorAt: evt cursorPoint.
		keyboardFocus ifNotNil: [keyboardFocus keyStroke: evt].
		^ self].
! !

!ObscuredCursor methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RAA 5/8/1999 00:23'!
obscureCursorAt: aPoint

	"we are already obscured, so do nothing"! !

!ObscuredCursor methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RAA 5/8/1999 00:08'!
setPreviousCursor: aCursor previousCursorPoint: aPoint

	previousCursor _ aCursor.
	previousCursorPoint _ aPoint.
	self show.! !

!ObscuredCursor methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RAA 5/8/1999 00:17'!
unobscureCursorAt: aPoint

	aPoint = previousCursorPoint ifFalse: [previousCursor show]

! !

!TextMorphForEditView methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'RAA 5/7/1999 12:53'!

	^ true! !

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