
Stephen Pair spair at advantive.com
Thu May 20 15:56:33 UTC 1999

A while back, I did some work to create an external memory proxy mechanism.
It was part of a larger effort to build a generic call-out and call-in
mechanism.  I started to give it out, but held off because I wanted some
help porting it to other platforms (I only have Windows right now...my Linux
machine died on me).  I've now decided that it's better to put it out
instead of waiting.  I've also added my own Squeak related web site.  Simply
get the change set and there are instructions on creating the external
module for the pluggable primitives.

The change set and the Windows pluggable primitive DLL are available at:


If anyone creates (and tests) the pluggable primitive module for other
platforms, I'll gladly add it to the web site.


- Stephen

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