Morph browser discussion

Stefan Rieken StefanRieken at
Tue Nov 23 14:07:03 UTC 1999

Doug Way wrote:
> E.g. it would be nice to be able to explore a
> prototypical (or real) instance of a class while simultaneously viewing its methods, etc.  (But in a manageable way!)

Yes, that's the problem... I was thinking myself of something like this:

Object: aSpecialMorph


-> from class Object:
-> from class Morph:
-> from class SpecialMorph:


-> from class Object:
-> from class Morph:
-> from class SpecialMorph:

....where -> stands for a new treeview list item. Would be quite
manageable, I think, and would show the class relationship too, without
ignoring that it is an object in the first place, and not a class.

The instance variables would show aggregation, too. (Could be displayed
in the object explorer-way).

> > >This point of view on objects reminds me of the Self discussion we had lately.
> True... now that Self's ported to the Mac, I'm going to look at it some more.
There's just one thing I hate about Mac owners ...and that is that I am
not one of them :-D



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