Strange screen behavior

Richard L. Peskin rlpcon at
Wed Nov 24 02:26:54 UTC 1999

Using 2.5 and 2.6 on a PowerMac, and also on Linux (Intel), I see the 
following strange screen behavior. Upon launching Squeak then opening 
the "Welcome.." window, when I select something for a "Do it", a 
piece of the "welcome.." window appears at the original window 
location. However, once I do a "Restore screen" , this behavior stops 
and I don't see it again. Has anyone else run into this? If so, where 
is the problem?
--dick peskin

R. L. Peskin,  Rutgers Univ. 
;<peskin at>;<>
RLP Consulting <rpeskin at>; <>

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