Q: What makes Morphic slow?

Henrik Gedenryd Henrik.Gedenryd at lucs.lu.se
Fri Nov 19 14:37:34 UTC 1999

Does anyone (esp. John who implemented it) have an idea of just what it is
that makes Morphic so much slower than MVC, making it unusable on eg. PDAs?

According to Andreas, drawing is not it as it's only about 10% slower. This
has made me wonder where the problem is located, and it also suggests it
ought to be quite fixable.

Event handling has been mentioned as a possible candidate (eg. the
round-robin event loop in HandMorph); perhaps the redrawing update messages
changed/layoutChanged, etc..

It would be interesting to have a Morphic vs. MVC bencmarking set. I've run
a few simple tests myself, but haven't found anything significant, only
small things like HandMorph>>handleMouseMove: and its callees slowly
scanning a whole lot of morphs on each mouseMove event.

Could perhaps people with slow computers (PDAs and Pentiums according to the
list :-) look at what is slow--with no need to dig into the code, just
looking at whether it's responding to events, redrawing, startup, etc.

It's a shame Morphic is too slow to use on PDAs, where easy UI prototyping
would really be useful.


< = > .

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