Mailing List Archives -- Re: Where's the source?

JArchibald at JArchibald at
Mon Nov 1 07:26:19 UTC 1999

=> 10/31/99 11:48:22 PM EDT, dway at =>
<< Please, don't forget that there are two other mailing list archives 
(mentioned on the Swiki), which work perfectly fine and are up-to-date: >>

Yes, this is true. However, they are second-source archives, and as such, are 
in no way official. Secondly, they only go back a finite period of time 
(although with the way the UIUC archive had been behaving, it has turned out 
to be even worse). Thirdly, and this turns out to be most important to me, 
there is no way to down-load the archive in its entirety--both of these 
resources (Thank God we at least have them!) allow you only to browse 
submission using their facilities, you must remain Internet connected to them 
to browse submissions.


Jerry Archibald

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