[REQUEST] updated documentation

Steve Elkins sgelkins at bellsouth.net
Mon Nov 22 05:49:51 UTC 1999

Marcus Denker <marcus at ira.uka.de> wrote:

>    Just do it: bring up the halo for a SystemWindow, 
>    "Browse Class", add these two methods:
>     handlesMouseOver: evt
>   	^ true
>     mouseEnter: evt
> 	^ self activate.

Thanks for the nudge.  I tried this, but found it hard to use
with lots of overlapping windows --- resizing and getting to
the halo are tough.  So I commented some code in #activate,
changed the name, and sent it in #mouseEnter: instead.  I've
only used it for 5 minutes, but so far I like it.

	"Bring me to the front and make me able to respond to mouse and keyboard"
	| oldTop outerMorph sketchEditor pal |
	outerMorph _ self topRendererOrSelf.
	outerMorph owner ifNil: [^ self "avoid spurious activate when drop in trash"].
	oldTop _ TopWindow.
	TopWindow _ self.
	oldTop ifNotNil: [oldTop passivate].
	"outerMorph owner firstSubmorph == outerMorph
		ifFalse: [
				outerMorph owner addMorphFront: outerMorph]."
	self submorphsDo: [:m | m unlock].
	self setStripeColorsFrom: self paneColorToUse.
	self isCollapsed ifFalse:
		[model modelWakeUpIn: self.
		self positionSubmorphs].

	(sketchEditor _ self extantSketchEditor) ifNotNil:
		[sketchEditor comeToFront.
		(pal _ self world findA: PaintBoxMorph) ifNotNil:
			[pal comeToFront]]

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