[SUGG] for new name on prerelease J4

John Duncan jddst19+ at pitt.edu
Fri Nov 12 00:40:55 UTC 1999

> like the sound of the word. Any native Spanish speakers out
> there that
> can confirm what, if anything, "andele!" actually means?

I'm pretty certain that it's "Andele" which is the polite form of

Andarse: v. to walk (sometimes run) (oneself)
Andate: imp. walk (yourself)
Andele (Ud.): formal imp. walk (yourself)

cf. Andante (italian)

I don't think people use the form "Andarse" very much any more--it
seems kind of strange. Then again, Speedy spoke quite the pidgin of
Spanish. I can't imagine anyone saying to me, for example, "Nos
andamonos," instead of, "Andamonos," if they wanted to say, "Let's

I think that the "heppa heppa" is pidgin spanish for "Hup! Hup!" and
"arriba, arriba" could be related most likely to the adverb
(preposition) up(ward), or less likely to arribar, 1. to put into
port, 2. to make a comeback.

Unfortunately for Speedy, the character is based on the "wetback"
stereotype, of a lazy Mexican who came over the boarder, squats, and
panhandles for cheese. I think he's just funny, and I don't think that
cartoons are capable of perpetuating the stereotypes very well, but
not all people agree with me.

Personally, my vote is for "Scurry", but on second thought, since it
translates the clean bytecode to the ugly machine code, "Slurry" may
be just as good:)


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