Towards an ST-72 example

Helge Horch Helge.Horch at
Sun Nov 21 02:13:30 UTC 1999


I must say I enjoy playing with ST-72 *very* much. Cool stuff! So I thought
I'd share my findings:

The keymap is a tad richer than hinted at in the transcript. As it says there,

> for doit,          type the cursor-up key
> for open-colon,    type the semicolon key
> for apostrophe-s,  type the open-string-quote key

Note: the last one means backquote (`), although I haven't found a use for
it yet. (It's aliased by control-S, by the way).

There's more, however:

The uparrow equivalent (double uparrow) is mapped to the '!' key (shift-1).

The quote (in LISP terminology) with the "pointing hand" symbol is mapped
to '"'. That is, to assign 3+4 to a variable called seven, you'd say
and press DOIT. This seems to be the equivalent of the "right-sling arrow"
in some ST-72 papers.

The peek symbol (eye) is mapped to '%' (shift-5) on my German keyboard, and
the conditional (implication, "=>") is mapped to '?' here
(shift-theKeyNextToZero). As the filein tells, the turtle symbol (face) is
mapped to '@'.

Furthermore, the PAGE-UP key results in a keyhole (?) symbol, HOME gives a
"<=" symbol. INSERT seems to trigger a secondary listener, which you can
close with the END key. DEL shows a "flash" symbol. I don't know what all
these are for, and 'd appreciate any hints.

Control keys are interesting, too: A (<= symbol), C (open colon), D
(terminates listener), E (open secondary listener), F (@), G (dot), K
(keyhole symbol), N (not equal symbol), O (double quote), P (arrow+open
paren), Q (!), R (open dot), S ("'s" symbol, like `), T (Alto symbol), U
(overline), V (%), W (boolean or), X (boolean and), Y (fat arrow), Z (>=).
Control H, I and M seem to have their usual function.

I haven't found the mapping for the "box" symbol and the vertical bar
(silly as it may sound, and it's not shift-6) yet, though. Please help?

Having these, I could finally try out the following example class from the
John Shoch paper [1]. This is the equivalent of a LISP cons cell:

"pair _ class | left right
   isnew => ("left _ BOX. "right _ BOX.)
   %left => (%_ => (!"left_BOX.) !left.)
   %right => (%_ => (!"right_BOX.) !right)
   %print => ( '(' print. left print. '.' print. right print. ')' print)
   ) DOIT

Also, I did not know that ST-72 already had the open colon (;). What was it
for? (I tried using it for BOX, with little success.)

Appreciating any hints I remain,
Helge "Dr. Watson" Horch

[1] Shoch, John F.: "An Overview of the Programming Language Smalltalk-72",
ACM SIGPLAN Notices Vol. 14, #9 of August 1977, pp.64-73.

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