Dan Ingalls Dan.Ingalls at disney.com
Fri Oct 29 18:01:05 UTC 1999

>Only to be safe: Includes an 'official' Squeak2.6 image _all_ changes on the
>change server before?

Yes, the official 2.6 image is almost exactly equal to 2.0 with every update since then.
There are some differences, such as tweaks to the Play With Me windows.

>Some other questions:
>- Are the change sets on the update server checked against each other for
>eventually conflicts?

They are full of "conflicts" in that most of the updates overwrite previous defs.
We are fairly careful to do the right thing when merging changeSets.

>- How and when comes an [FIX] from this mailing list to the update server?

Generally someone from Squeak Central reviews it, possibly tweaks it, and releases it internally.  Then every week or so, I broadcast all accumulated internal updates to the external servers.

>- How and when comes an [UPDATE] from this mailing list to the update

I post the [UPDATE] summary after the above process.

>- Do some or all [ENH] changes belong to updates on the update server?

I'm not sure what you are asking.  Not all [ENHancements] get promoted to the server, though many do.  Sometimes we at SC decide against an enhancement, and sometimes we just don't have the time to perform appropriate adaptation or integration.

Hope this helps

	- Dan

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