Byte order and ByteArray conversions

Lex Spoon lex at
Sun Oct 31 12:38:43 UTC 1999

If you know the endian-ness you want, you can use nextNumber:put: and
nextLittleEndianNumber:put: to write out integers in big endian or
little endian.  So that would probably be the inverse of the methods you
were looking for.  You can read them back with nextNumber: and

But why would knowing the machine's ordering matter, unless you are
doing primitives?  Maybe if you post a higher-level view of what you are
trying to do, someone will have a more helpful response.  I tend to like
the fact that I don't have to think about endianness :)


"David T. Lewis" <lewis at> wrote:
> I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but I'd like to be able to
> integers to and from byte arrays in native machine byte ordering,
> resorting to a new primitive.
> 1) Does Squeak know the byte order convention of the hardware it's
> on? I can't find any method to query for this.
> 2) Class ByteArray knows how to convert itself into integers, given
> you can tell it the answer to question 1.  Is there any existing
> for converting an integer into a four byte array?
> Thanks.

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