[FIX] Paint box stamps

Bert Freudenberg bert at isgnw.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De
Mon Oct 4 22:50:12 UTC 1999

"Change Set:		paintBoxFixes-bf
Date:			4 October 1999
Author:			Bert Freudenberg

* Restores the PaintBox's stamp deleting feature (dropping into trash can)
* Makes transparent stamps work in display depth > 8"


ObSqueak: How to build a *real* magnifying glass.
(1) paint a magnifying glass: new morph... > make new drawing. Paint a
black-bordered circle filled with yellow (or something). Add a short
black line as handle at the lower right. Select "keep" to finish.
(2) get a new MagnifierMorph: new morph... > Demo. Resize it to the same
size as your sketch. Select "stop tracking pointer" from its red halo
(3) get a new ScreeningMorph: new morph... > Demo. Drop the MagnifierMorph
into it first, then your SketchMorph.

Now you can grab the handle and magnify. If we just had some bugs to
examine ;-) 


Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="paintBoxFixes-bf.4Octo1130pm.cs"
Content-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96.991005005012.2953B at balloon.cs.uni-magdeburg.de>

'From Squeak 2.5 of August 6, 1999 [latest update: #1514] on 4 October 1999 at 11:30:50 pm'!
"Change Set:		paintBoxFixes-bf
Date:			4 October 1999
Author:			Bert Freudenberg

* Restores the PaintBox's stamp deleting feature (dropping into trash can)
* Makes transparent stamps work in display depth > 8"!

!SketchEditorMorph methodsFor: 'actions & preps' stamp: 'bf 10/4/1999 23:02'!
pickupMouseUp: evt
	"Grab a part of the picture (or screen) and store it in a known place. Like Copy on the Mac menu. Then switch to the stamp tool."

	| rr pp pForm ii oldRect curs |
	lastEvent == nil ifFalse: [
			"Last draw will stick out, must erase the area"
			oldRect _ strokeOrigin rect: lastEvent cursorPoint + (14 at 14).
			self restoreRect: (oldRect insetBy: -2)].
	self primaryHand showTemporaryCursor: nil.	"later get rid of this"	
	rr _ strokeOrigin rect: evt cursorPoint + (14 at 14).
	pp _ rr translateBy: self world viewBox origin.
	ii _ rr translateBy: (0 at 0) - bounds origin.
	(rr intersects: bounds) ifTrue: [
		pForm _ paintingForm copy: ii.
		pForm isAllWhite "means transparent" 
			ifFalse: []	"normal case.  Can be transparent in parts"
			ifTrue: [pForm _ nil.
			"Get an un-dimmed picture of other objects on the playfield"
			"don't know how yet"]].
	pForm ifNil: [pForm _ Form fromDisplay: pp].		"Anywhere on the screen"
	palette pickupForm: pForm.
	curs _ palette actionCursor.
	evt hand showTemporaryCursor: curs.
! !

!TrashCanMorph methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'bf 10/4/1999 16:47'!
mouseDown: evt
	| paintBox palette |
	self currentHand endDisplaySuppression.
	"See if a stamp is being dropped into the trash. It is not held by the hand."
	(paintBox _ self findActivePaintBox) ifNotNil: [
		paintBox getSpecial == #stamp: ifTrue: [
			paintBox deleteCurrentStamp.  "throw away stamp..."
			self primaryHand showTemporaryCursor: nil.
			^ self]].	  "... and don't open trash"
	palette _ self standardPalette.
	((palette notNil and: [palette isInWorld]) and: [palette hasScrapsTab])
			[palette showScrapsTab]
			[self currentHand openScrapsBook]
! !

TrashCanMorph removeSelector: #openTrash!

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