[FIX][ENH] Selector finder

Bert Freudenberg bert at isgnw.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De
Wed Oct 13 09:38:26 UTC 1999

* Makes the Selector Finder display code examples (data1 + data2) instead
of just the selector in the message list
* Fixes the bug where 'a'.'b'.'ab' didn't find anything
* Fixes the bug where no binary selectors where found


Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII; NAME="selFinder-bf.13Oct1006am.cs"
Content-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96.991013113534.11929D at balloon.cs.uni-magdeburg.de>

'From Squeak 2.5 of August 6, 1999 [latest update: #1534] on 13 October 1999 at 10:06:25 am'!
"Change Set:		selFinder-bf
Date:			13 October 1999
Author:			Bert Freudenberg

* Makes the Selector Finder display code examples (data1 + data2) instead of just the selector in the message list
* Fixes the bug where 'a'.'b'.'ab' didn't find anything
* Fixes the bug where no binary selectors where found"!

!ParagraphEditor methodsFor: 'menu messages' stamp: 'bf 10/13/1999 09:09'!
	"Try to make a selector out of the current text selection"
	^self selection string findSelector! !

!SelectorBrowser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'bf 10/13/1999 08:32'!
contents: aString notifying: aController
	"Take what the user typed and find all selectors containing it"

	| tokens |
	contents _ aString.
	classList _ #().  classListIndex _ 0.
	selectorIndex _ 0.
	tokens _ contents asString findTokens: ' .'.
	selectorList _ Cursor wait showWhile: [
		tokens size = 1 
			ifTrue: [(Symbol selectorsContaining: contents asString) asSortedArray]
			ifFalse: [self quickList]].	"find selectors from a single example of data"
	self changed: #messageList.
	self changed: #classList.
	^ true! !

!SelectorBrowser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'bf 10/13/1999 09:14'!
messageListIndex: anInteger 
	"Set the selected message selector to be the one indexed by anInteger.  Find all classes it is in."

	selectorIndex _ anInteger.
	selectorIndex = 0 ifFalse: [
		classList _ Smalltalk allImplementorsOf: self selectedMessageName.
		classListIndex _ 0.
		self changed: #messageListIndex.		"update my selection"
		self changed: #classList]! !

!SelectorBrowser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'bf 10/13/1999 09:01'!
	"Compute the selectors for the single example of receiver and args, in the very top pane"

	| data array ccc result resultArray |
	ccc _ data _ contents asString.
	"delete trailing period. This should be fixed in the Parser!!"
	[data last isSeparator] whileTrue: [data _ data allButLast].
 	data last = $. ifTrue: [data _ data allButLast].
	array _ Compiler evaluate: '{', data, '}'. "#( data1 data2 result )"
	array size < 2 ifTrue: [self inform: 'If you are giving an example of receiver, \args, and result, please put periods between the parts.\Otherwise just type one selector fragment' withCRs. ^#()]. 
	array _ Array with: array allButLast with: array last. "#( (data1 data2) result )"
 	result _ MethodFinder methodFor: array.
	resultArray _ (result findTokens: '(') collect:
		[:s | s withBlanksTrimmed allButLast "remove $)"].
	self selectorList: resultArray.
	self contents: ccc.	"restore top pane, since MethodFinder clears it"
	^ selectorList! !

!SelectorBrowser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'bf 10/13/1999 10:02'!
	"Answer the name of the currently selected message."

	| example |
	selectorIndex = 0 ifTrue: [^nil].
	example _ selectorList at: selectorIndex.
	(example includes: $:) ifTrue: [^example findSelector].
	Symbol hasInterned: (example findTokens: ' ') middle
		ifTrue: [:aSymbol | ^ aSymbol].
	self error: 'this should not happen'.
	^nil! !

!SequenceableCollection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'bf 10/13/1999 10:01'!
	"Answer the middle element of the receiver."
	self emptyCheck.
	^ self at: self size // 2 + 1! !

!String methodsFor: 'converting' stamp: 'bf 10/13/1999 09:26'!
	"Dan's code for hunting down selectors with keyword parts; while this doesn't give a true parse, in most cases it does what we want, in where it doesn't, we're none the worse for it."
	| sel possibleParens level n |
	sel _ self withBlanksTrimmed.
	(sel includes: $:) ifTrue:
		[possibleParens _ sel findTokens: Character separators.
		sel _ String streamContents:
			[:s | level _ 0.
			possibleParens do:
				[:token |
				(level = 0 and: [token endsWith: ':'])
					ifTrue: [s nextPutAll: token]
					ifFalse: [(n _ token occurrencesOf: $( ) > 0 ifTrue: [level _ level + n].
							(n _ token occurrencesOf: $[ ) > 0 ifTrue: [level _ level + n].
							(n _ token occurrencesOf: $] ) > 0 ifTrue: [level _ level - n].
							(n _ token occurrencesOf: $) ) > 0 ifTrue: [level _ level - n]]]]].

	sel isEmpty ifTrue: [^ nil].
	Symbol hasInterned: sel ifTrue:
		[:aSymbol | ^ aSymbol].
	^ nil! !

!Symbol class methodsFor: 'access' stamp: 'bf 10/13/1999 09:57'!
selectorsContaining: aString
	"Answer a list of selectors that contain aString within them.  Case-insensitive."
	| size table candidate selectorList selectorTable ascii |

	selectorList _ OrderedCollection new.
	(size _ aString size) = 0 ifTrue: [^ selectorList].

	aString size = 1 ifTrue:
		[ascii _ aString first asciiValue.
		ascii < 128 ifTrue:
			[selectorList add: (SingleCharSymbols at: ascii + 1)]].
	aString first isLetter ifFalse: [
		aString size == 2 ifTrue: 
			[Symbol hasInterned: aString ifTrue: [:s | selectorList add: s]].
		^ selectorList].
	(SelectorTables size to: 1 by: -1) do:
		[:j | selectorTable _ SelectorTables at: j.
		1 to: 26 do: [:index |
		table _ selectorTable at: index.
		1 to: table size do: 
			[:t | 
			((candidate _ table at: t) == nil) ifFalse:
				[candidate size >= size ifTrue:
					[((candidate findString: aString startingAt: 1 caseSensitive: false) > 0) ifTrue:
							[selectorList add: candidate]]]]]].
	^ selectorList

"Symbol selectorsContaining: 'scon' "! !

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