alternative to displayWorld

Luciano Notarfrancesco luciano2 at
Wed Sep 8 23:13:16 UTC 1999

> >I'm trying to sinchronize sound with animations implemented in morphic. There is a CurveMorph that changes its shape every 80 msecs or so (80 average, 300 max, 40 min) while a sound is playing. The problem is that the CurveMorph should be redrawn each time it changes. Right now I am doing 'self world displayWorld', but this seems to be very slow, and introduces pauses in the sound (the sound is being generated in real time, it grows while it's playing). Is there any alternative to displayWorld?
> >
> >Right now I doing some experiments with simple 2D animations, but I really want to use Alice soon. How often is a Wonderland view redrawn? Can it be done at very short time intervals?
> Sounds like fun.  I'm not sure what more can be done.  Do you know how to run the spy in Morphic?  You start it by using the debug... itme in the world menu, and you stop it by moving hte mouse above the top of the screen.  If you can do this while your animation is running, you might learn something.  I'm willing to take a look at the report if you want help.  Or, if your app is simple, you oculd send it along, and I'll see if I can help.  I'm afraid our curves are kind of slow, but Balloon will eventually make them MUCH faster (and prettier).
> Good luck, and let me know if I can help.
> 	- Dan

Thanks, I'll try the spy. Anyway, I think I will not continue with the 2D stuff. What I am doing is synchronous speech synthesis and face animation. Last night I began to implement the Waters' muscles model in Squeak (from the book "Computer Facial Animation"). I am gettin a lot of fun.


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