Microsoft Dynabook? PSHAW!

John Duncan jddst19+ at
Wed Sep 15 16:27:47 UTC 1999

> My Archair-Psychologist addition is that the magic of a
> Dynabook doesn't blossom unless it is founded on communication
> and cooperation. I suspect that a large Redmond company
> may have control issues in this area.

Yeah, I wonder how MS' competitive development philosophy will affect
the development of a Dynabook. Also, assuming it goes into production,
there will probably be someone who says that it has to be based on
COM+, and then it will lose the openness that a Dynabook would need to
be effective (though, it could still be successful). My guess is that
the WinCE people will kill it at first, and then, when someone comes
out with a viable Dynabook, it will be embraced and extended for the
WinCE environment, though not open. But the consumer, I think, doesn't
understand the value of having the entire system at hand to modify and
extend. Microsoft is good at marketing the packaged application using
FUD against open systems.

I think it will be interesting to see this unfold. It will probably
not escape Microsoft Research.


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