[BUG] Obsolete primitives?

Bert Freudenberg bert at isgnw.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De
Mon Sep 6 11:41:23 UTC 1999

Hi SqC, 

primitive #91 which used to be primCursorLocPut: is now 

Would it be okay to remove the older methods primCursorLocPut: and
primCursorLocPutAgain: or should prim 91 guess which function is desired
(if Point argument set cursor, if Number check screen)?

If anyone wants to explore Squeaks primitives you may use this code
snippet which opens a browser on all primitives:

  | aColl method prim |
  aColl _ OrderedCollection new: 200.
  Cursor execute showWhile: [Smalltalk allBehaviorsDo: [:class |
    class selectorsDo: [:sel | 
      method _ class compiledMethodAt: sel.
      (method primitive ~= 0 and: [method isQuick not]) ifTrue: [
        prim _ String streamContents: [ :s |
          s nextPutAll: class name; space;
            nextPutAll: sel; space.
          method printPrimitiveOn: s].
        aColl addLast: method primitive -> prim]]].
    aColl _ aColl asSortedCollection collect: [:assoc | assoc value]].
  Smalltalk browseMessageList: aColl name: 'primitive messages'.


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