[ENH] Reframing, the second

Bert Freudenberg bert at isgnw.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De
Fri Sep 10 15:23:03 UTC 1999

"Change Set:		reframe2-bf
Date:			10 September 1999
Author:			Bert Freudenberg

Makes spawnPaneFrameHandle: use the new
withSideOrCorner:setToPoint:minExtent:limit: to provide maximum and
minimum extents when reframing panes, too"

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="reframe2-bf.10Sep419pm.cs"
Content-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96.990910172303.21602C at balloon.cs.uni-magdeburg.de>

'From Squeak 2.5 of August 6, 1999 on 10 September 1999 at 4:19:58 pm'!
"Change Set:		reframe2-bf
Date:			10 September 1999
Author:			Bert Freudenberg

Makes spawnPaneFrameHandle: use the new withSideOrCorner:setToPoint:minExtent:limit: to provide maximum and minimum extents when reframing panes"!

!Rectangle methodsFor: 'rectangle functions' stamp: 'bf 9/10/1999 16:16'!
withSideOrCorner: side setToPoint: newPoint minExtent: minExtent
	"Return a copy with side set to newPoint"
	^self withSideOrCorner: side setToPoint: newPoint minExtent: minExtent
		limit: ((#(left top) includes: side) ifTrue: [SmallInteger minVal] ifFalse: [SmallInteger maxVal])! !

!Rectangle methodsFor: 'rectangle functions' stamp: 'bf 9/10/1999 16:07'!
withSideOrCorner: side setToPoint: newPoint minExtent: minExtent limit: limit
	"Return a copy with side set to newPoint"
	side = #top ifTrue: [^ self withTop: (newPoint y min: corner y - minExtent y max: limit + minExtent y)].
	side = #bottom ifTrue: [^ self withBottom: (newPoint y min: limit - minExtent y max: origin y + minExtent y)].
	side = #left ifTrue: [^ self withLeft: (newPoint x min: corner x - minExtent x max: limit + minExtent x)].
	side = #right ifTrue: [^ self withRight: (newPoint x min: limit - minExtent x max: origin x + minExtent x)].
	side = #topLeft ifTrue: [^ (newPoint min: corner - minExtent) corner: self bottomRight].
	side = #bottomRight ifTrue: [^ self topLeft corner: (newPoint max: origin + minExtent)].
	side = #bottomLeft ifTrue: [^ self topRight rect: ((newPoint x min: corner x - minExtent x) @ (newPoint y max: origin y + minExtent y))].
	side = #topRight ifTrue: [^ self bottomLeft rect: ((newPoint x max: origin x + minExtent x) @ (newPoint y min: corner y - minExtent y))].! !

!SystemWindow methodsFor: 'resize/collapse' stamp: 'bf 9/10/1999 16:01'!
spawnPaneFrameHandle: event
	| resizer localPt side growingPane newBounds vbtl adjoiningPanes limit |
	(self world firstSubmorph isKindOf: NewHandleMorph) ifTrue:
		[ ^ self  "Prevent multiple handles"].
	((self innerBounds withHeight: self labelHeight+4) containsPoint: event cursorPoint)
		ifTrue: [^ self "in label or top of top pane"].
	growingPane _ self paneWithLongestSide: [:s | side _ s] near: event cursorPoint.
	growingPane ifNil: [^ self].

	adjoiningPanes _ paneMorphs select: [:pane | pane bounds bordersOn: growingPane bounds along: side].
	limit _ adjoiningPanes isEmpty
		ifFalse: [ (adjoiningPanes collect: [:pane | pane bounds perform: side])
			perform: ((#(top left) includes: side) ifTrue: [#max] ifFalse: [#min])]
		ifTrue: [self bounds perform: side].

	vbtl _ self world viewBox topLeft.
	resizer _ NewHandleMorph new
		followHand: event hand
			[:p | localPt _ self pointFromWorld: p.
			newBounds _ growingPane bounds withSideOrCorner: side setToPoint: localPt minExtent: 40 at 20 limit: limit.
			Preferences fastDragWindowForMorphic
				["For fast display, only higlight the rectangle during loop"
				newBounds _ (growingPane bounds translateBy: vbtl)
					[:f | (growingPane bounds translateBy: vbtl) withSideOrCorner: side
							setToPoint: (self pointFromWorld: Sensor cursorPoint)
							minExtent: 40 at 20 limit: limit].
					self reframePanesAdjoining: growingPane along: side
						to: (newBounds translateBy: vbtl negated)]
				[self reframePanesAdjoining: growingPane along: side to: newBounds]]
		lastPointDo: [:p | ].
	event hand world addMorph: resizer.
	resizer startStepping! !

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