Lobbying Smalltalk...

Giovanni Giorgi giovanni.giorgi at mlab.disco.unimi.it
Thu Sep 30 10:01:35 UTC 1999

                            Winning Ignorance

Excuse me,
    I'd like to talk about a small idea: creating a Squeak VM for Java
Using the CCodeGenerator engine, I think would be not so difficult to
generate a JavaCodeGenerator class for building java source code for the
We will have Squeak running in a JavaVM, perhaps a bit slowly.
After a bit of working, we can try to integrate the java GC, JavaBeans
and the Security concepts of Java into Squeak, generating a hybrid VM
and the Smalltalk of the future.

A lot of java-students will look with interest to a Java-based
implementation of Smalltalk, and start to download the SqueakVM....

This is only an idea. I know the efficency problem 'd be not so tiny and
so I am only talking about it....
...someone interested?

// Giovanni Giorgi          e-mail:  giovanni.giorgi at mlab.disco.unimi.it

// Master Thesis  at http://mars.sal.disco.unimi.it/~giorgi
// Student & (ex)Tutor at Depart. of Computer Science of Milan, Italy.

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