red/yellow/blue buttons an anachronism?

Robert M. Fuhrer rfuhrer at
Thu Sep 30 20:10:25 UTC 1999

Hi All,

This may sound silly, but...

Is anyone else bothered by the apparently arbitrary use of
"red/yellow/blue" to identify the mouse buttons in the source?
I never remember which is which.

Maybe it's because I go from Squeak on Mac to Linux to WinNT, or
because I've never had an opportunity to work heads-down with the
Smalltalk UI code to get it into my medulla, but it just doesn't work for me.

So, is this an anachronism we can live without?

I'd guess that cross-platform issues are part of the reason it hasn't
been changed already (e.g. Macs use single mouse button + modifier
key), so perhaps a set of more symbolic labels would work better, like
(off the top of my head (or maybe that's the wrong end of the beast :^|))

Or, perhaps the buttons should be relabeled pink/blue/black, to signify
incremental improvement, paradigm shift, and no improvement whatsoever :-).

Robert M. Fuhrer                                       34-231  (914) 945-3830
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center                       rfuhrer at
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598                PGP Public Key available on request

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