[FIX] 1483ListItemSelect-JLM

Jason McVay jmcvay at bigfoot.com
Tue Sep 28 06:00:25 UTC 1999

there was one tiny bug that i had to squash... 

'From Squeak 2.5 of August 6, 1999 on 28 September 1999 at 12:58:51 am'!

!PluggableListMorph methodsFor: 'model access' stamp: 'JLM 9/26/1999 23:34'!
keyStroke: event
 "Process potential command keys"
 | args aChar aLowercaseChar oldSelection aSpecialKey nextSelection
nextSelectionList nextSelectionText max howManyItemsShowing |
 aChar _ event keyCharacter.
 (event anyModifierKeyPressed or: [self listHandlesBasicKeys not])
   [keystrokeActionSelector == nil ifTrue: [^ nil].
   (args _ keystrokeActionSelector numArgs) = 1 ifTrue: [^ model perform:
keystrokeActionSelector with: aChar].
   args = 2 ifTrue: [^ model
     perform: keystrokeActionSelector
     with: aChar
     with: self].
   ^ self error: 'The keystrokeActionSelector must be a 1- or 2-keyword
 oldSelection _ self selectionIndex.
 nextSelection _ oldSelection.
 aSpecialKey _ aChar asciiValue.
 max _ self maximumSelection.
 aSpecialKey < 32
   [" one of a number of special keys"
   aSpecialKey == 31
     [" down arrow"
     nextSelection _ oldSelection + 1.
     nextSelection > max ifTrue: [nextSelection _ 1]].
   aSpecialKey == 30
     [" up arrow"
     nextSelection _ oldSelection - 1.
     nextSelection < 1 ifTrue: [nextSelection _ max]].
   aSpecialKey == 1 ifTrue: [" home"
    nextSelection _ 1].
   aSpecialKey == 4 ifTrue: [" end"
    nextSelection _ max].
   howManyItemsShowing _ self numSelectionsInView.
   aSpecialKey == 11 ifTrue: [" page up"
    nextSelection _ 1 max: oldSelection - howManyItemsShowing].
   aSpecialKey == 12 ifTrue: [" page down"
    nextSelection _ oldSelection + howManyItemsShowing min: max].
   ^ self changeModelSelection: nextSelection].
 aLowercaseChar _ aChar asLowercase.
 nextSelectionList _ list copyFrom: oldSelection + 1 to: max.
 nextSelectionList addAll: (list copyFrom: 1 to: oldSelection).
 " make sure to get rid of blanks due to the hierarchal nature of some of
             the collection entries"
 nextSelectionText _ nextSelectionList detect: [:a | (a asString
withBlanksTrimmed at: 1) asLowercase == aLowercaseChar]
    ifNone: [nextSelectionText _ nil].
 nextSelectionText ~~ nil
   [nextSelection _ list findFirst: [:a | a == nextSelectionText].
   ^ self changeModelSelection: nextSelection]
  ifFalse: [self flash]! !

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