Squeak on handheld?

Joshua Marker lux at umich.edu
Thu Sep 23 17:57:07 UTC 1999

> This is a call for a brief report from you all on which 
> tiny devices someone has made Squeak-capable (to one degree 
> or another).
> * Laptops, kneetops, and palmtops are too big -- 
>   the thingie must be able to accompany me on 
>   a walk, a bus, an airplane, into a restaurant, 
>   and (especially) into the "little programmers' 
>   room."  No, it doesn't have to survive the 
>   shower.

	I'm poking around this area, too, and I imagine others are. It
would be great to get a round of opinions on various portables and PDAs.
I'd like to hear about subnotes, too. Maybe we could have a pow-wow and
then update the PDA pages on the swiki? 

--- Joshua * San Francisco: 415 / 505.9406 (37.753083N -122.430501W)
Sorting out my life. . . .in O(n lg n).
All the good things in life are immoral, illegal, or heavily taxed.
	-- Oscar Wilde

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