Cross-dialect binary serialization

R. A. Harmon harmonra at
Wed Apr 12 13:38:42 UTC 2000

At 05:18 PM 4/11/00 -0400, Robert Withers wrote:
>I do know why I didn't think of this.  There are a couple of missing
>things that Squeak needs but this shouldn't be a part of the SRP (State
>Replication Protocol) framework.  One of these is #isMetaclass protocol
>in ProtoObject and MetaClass.  The other is an ANSI DateAndTime class. 
>Oh yes, and I need to implement the #directedMessageClass in the
>SrpPortableBehaviorSqueak class.

ANSI Date and Time Protocol implementation and SUnit tests for Squeak 2.7 is
available at my web page:

I ported it easily to Dolphin.  I don't think it would take much work for
other dialects.  Adopting the dialect double-dispatch is probably the most
difficult part, but just follow how other Numbers do it.

Richard A. Harmon          "The only good zombie is a dead zombie"
harmonra at           E. G. McCarthy
Spencer, Iowa

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