Faster fileOut

Andres Valloud avalloud at
Mon Apr 17 18:48:57 UTC 2000


Here's an improved implementation of Behavior>>allSuperclasses and of a
class method in class ChangeSet that determines the order in which
classes' and metaclasses' changes have to be filed out. I mentioned
earlier that I have a 714 classes, 3 mb changeset and that filing it out
took ~95 seconds. With these modifications, now it takes ~18 seconds;
the part that was improved went from 67 seconds to 3.2 seconds.

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak2.6 of 11 October 1999 [latest update: #1578] on 17 April 2000 at 11:45:48 am'!
"Change Set:		FileOut
Date:			17 April 2000
Author:			Andres Valloud

Behavior>>allSuperclasses is a bit faster.
Fixes in ChangeSet --- a part of fileOut
	is now 20+ times faster!!!!!!"!

!Behavior methodsFor: 'accessing class hierarchy' stamp: 'SqR 4/12/2000 19:17'!
	"Answer an OrderedCollection of the receiver's and the receiver's 
	ancestor's superclasses. The first element is the receiver's immediate 
	superclass, followed by its superclass; the last element is ProtoObject."

	| answer currentClass |

	answer _ OrderedCollection new: 20.
	currentClass _ self superclass.
	[currentClass isNil] whileFalse:
			answer add: currentClass.
			currentClass _ currentClass superclass
	^answer! !

!ChangeSet class methodsFor: 'fileIn/Out' stamp: 'SqR 4/12/2000 22:02'!
doWeFileOut: aClass given: aSet cache: cache
	| aClassAllSuperclasses aClassSoleInstanceAllSuperclasses |

	aClassAllSuperclasses _ cache at: aClass
		ifAbsent: [cache at: aClass put: aClass allSuperclasses].
	(aSet includesAnyOf: aClassAllSuperclasses) ifTrue: [^false].
	aClass isMeta ifFalse: [^true].
	(aSet includes: aClass soleInstance) ifTrue: [^false].
	aClassSoleInstanceAllSuperclasses _ cache at: aClass soleInstance
		ifAbsent: [cache at: aClass soleInstance put: aClass soleInstance allSuperclasses].
	(aSet includesAnyOf: aClassSoleInstanceAllSuperclasses) ifTrue: [^false].
	^true! !

!ChangeSet class methodsFor: 'fileIn/Out' stamp: 'SqR 4/12/2000 22:07'!
superclassOrder2: classes
	"Arrange the classes in the collection, classes, in superclass order so the 
	classes can be properly filed in. Do it in sets instead of ordered collections.
	SqR 4/12/2000 22:04"

	| all list aClass inclusionSet aClassIndex cache |

	list _ classes copy. "list is indexable"
	inclusionSet _ list asSet. cache _ Dictionary new.
	all _ OrderedCollection new: list size.
	list size timesRepeat:
			aClassIndex _ list findFirst: [:one | one isNil not and: 
				[self doWeFileOut: one given: inclusionSet cache: cache]].
			aClass _ list at: aClassIndex.
			all addLast: aClass.
			inclusionSet remove: aClass.
			list at: aClassIndex put: nil
	^all! !

!ChangeSet class methodsFor: 'fileIn/Out' stamp: 'SqR 4/13/2000 12:11'!
superclassOrder: classes 
	"Arrange the classes in the collection, classes, in superclass order so the 
	classes can be properly filed in."

	| all list i aClass |

	true ifTrue: [^self superclassOrder2: classes].
	list _ classes copy. "list is indexable"
	all _ OrderedCollection new: list size.
	[list size > 0] whileTrue: 
			i _ 0.
			[i _ i + 1. aClass _ list at: i.
				(list includesAnyOf: aClass allSuperclasses) or: 
					[aClass isMeta and: [(list includes: aClass soleInstance) or: 
						[list includesAnyOf: aClass soleInstance allSuperclasses]]]
			] whileTrue.
			all addLast: aClass.
			list _ list copyWithout: aClass
	^all! !

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