[BUG] Halo skips SystemWindow in Morphic (2.8alpha)

Bert Freudenberg bert at isgnw.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De
Tue Apr 18 12:08:58 UTC 2000

On Mon, 17 Apr 2000, Scott Wallace wrote:

> For example, the way you resize a regular morph and the way you resize
> a SystemWindow differ radically, and if you try to use the halo to
> resize a SystemWindow you'll get something very strange.

Really? It seems to do the same most of the time. And sometimes the
little yellow handle in the lower right won't appear. For example, if you
make the pref window smaller than the tabbedPalette.

That playfield thingy in the prefs behaves odd anyway ... It eats all
menus because it's open to d&d. But even if I seal it, a menu that I place
over it animates to it's former position. Also, If I bring up the red halo
menu for it and make it stay up, I can't open the playfield options menu
from there. Perhaps playfields shouldn't be used in normal windows at all?

But back to halos: I find it distracting that the halo is brought up for
the full bounds even if the morph causing the wide bounds is clipped. Or
is this a bug and fullbounds should only enclose the visible part of all
submorphs? Also, a morph's control menu is brought up via
fullContainsPoint, so even if I click into the void it is displayed. You
can try this by making a browser with opt buttons smaller than the button
row (so that it sticks out to the right), and click outside the browser
but within it's full bounds.

> A key goal of the halo rework was to make the standard halo-gesture 
> do what people most of the time want (and to support, by way of a 
> general "escape", a "shifted" halo gesture that allows the halo to be 
> appear on *any* object.

IMHO it's still too easy to get a halo. With a real mouse, it's only one
click and you ripped a pane off a browser.

Sorry, no fixes today. 

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