exception semantics

Lex Spoon lex at cc.gatech.edu
Tue Apr 11 21:37:20 UTC 2000

"Paul McDonough" <paulm at 4thEstate.com> wrote:
> Lex,
> If my fast-dimming memory serves, then yes, #signal will often return to its
> calling context.  For example, if the handler action specified is #return,
> that'd do it.  If there is no handler, and the default action allows
> processing to continue (e.g., in the case of a Notification), or if the
> handler action completes and returns a value, then #signal will also return.
> My rule of thumb is, once exceptions come into play, the code path can end
> up going ... well, pretty much anywhere.  This doesn't exactly "simplify",
> does it?  Sorry.

Oh well, a person could hope.  Can anyone point me to a nice summary of
how ANSI exceptions work?


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