[Newbie] Dolphin Smalltalk Tutorial

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at atlas.otago.ac.nz
Mon Apr 17 05:15:25 UTC 2000

Michael Chean <Michael_Chean at email.msn.com> wrote:
	I tried a number of the samples on this page and the only one I can't get to
	work so far is
	'Hello world' reverse
I've just thrown together a simple change which appears to do the right thing.
I would greatly value comments on the style of this change.

'From Squeak2.7 of 5 January 2000 [latest update: #1782] on 17 April 2000 at 5:22:09 pm'!

!SequenceableCollection methodsFor: 'copying' stamp: 'raok 4/17/2000 17:20'!
	"Answer a copy of a subset of the receiver, in reverse order"
	^self reverseFrom: 1 to: self size
! !

!SequenceableCollection methodsFor: 'copying' stamp: 'raok 4/17/2000 17:19'!
reverseFrom: start to: stop
	"Answer a copy of a subset of the receiver, in reverse order.
	 The first element of the result is (self at: stop) and the last
	 element of the result is (self at: start)."
	|result newSize|
	newSize _ stop - start + 1.
	result _ self species new: newSize.
	(1 to: newSize) do: [:i| result at: i put: (self at: stop-i+1)].
	^result! !

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