Port of the VisualWorks ParserGenerator... ctd

Roel Wuyts rwuyts at vub.ac.be
Wed Apr 12 09:36:19 UTC 2000

I spoke to Filip Gilbert, who is the Cincom person responsible for 
VisualWorks, and he said the Cincom legal department would work out
something. They will contact me the coming weeks. So I guess you'll hear
about this the coming weeks. Hang on with me :)

>> Hello,
>> for some legacy reasons (you'll hear more about our work in the coming
>> future!) I ported the VisualWorks ParserGenerator (one of the Advanced
>> Tools) to Squeak. I want to share this with the community (of course) BUT I
>> do not know if it possible to do so... after all, this is
>> Parcplace-ObjectWorks-Cincom code, so I am not sure about the legal
>> consequences of releasing the ported code for free to the Squeak community.
>> I contacted people at Cincom several times now (and for the past 6 months),
>> but I never received an answer. Are people interested in this port ? Did
>> anyone else already encountered analogues porting problems ?

Roel Wuyts                    Programming Technology Lab
rwuyts at vub.ac.be              Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Webmaster of European Smalltalk User Group: www.esug.org

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