Squeak Mail back in action

Dan Ingalls Dan.Ingalls at disney.com
Sun Apr 30 04:05:19 UTC 2000

Folks -

As you were probably aware the maile server ran out of disk space just after Friday midnight.  Anything important that you sent to the list since then did not make it, and will have to be resent.

Thanks to Dragos for fixing things up.

	- Dan
>To: Dan Ingalls <Dan.Ingalls at disney.com>
>From: dragos.manolescu at acm.org (Dragos A. Manolescu)
>Cc: Ralph Johnson <johnson at cs.uiuc.edu>
>Subject: Re: Warning: could not send message for past 4 hours
>Date: 29 Apr 2000 22:46:19 -0500
>I've freed some space on disk and things should be back to normal. The
>large traffic on the mailing lists yields really big mail log files. I
>reconfigured the system to keep the logs for 2 weeks instead of
>4. Hopefully it won't run out of space anytime soon.
>>>> Dan Ingalls writes:
>di> Hi, Guys -
>di> Much as we appreciate the rare and beautiful quiet, I feel duty-bound to inform you that it appears that the Squeak mail server is hung.  It has bounced about 4 of my messages, and nothing is coming through from others.  Here's the transcript from a recent rejection.
>di> Thank in advance for anything you can do.
>di> 	- Dan

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