Need Help to understand

Bob Arning arning at
Fri Aug 18 21:43:00 UTC 2000

On Fri, 18 Aug 2000 10:34:02 -0400 Raymond Asselin <raymondasselin at> wrote:
>Few days ago John Mcintosh noted me that my image was fairly big and
>he doesn't understand why.
>I made some cleanup.
>Today I saw that again my image is very big.
>Using the refactory browser I checkek for all instances of one of my
>classes where my UIWindowMorphs are define. The result is 116
>instances...!!!! How that...Where are they? How that they are not
>garbagge collect when you throw tem away with the close box?
>My trash is empty I checked it.  I'm in the blackout...


My first guess would be to inspect DependentsFields. Certain dependency relationships are maintained in a global dictionary by that name and need to be explicitly released when no longer valid. The method to do that is #removeDependent: which should balance the send of #addDependent: which created the realtionship. Some classes, like Model and MorphicModel maintain these relationships in a more local manner and generally do not cause this problem.


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