A few questions about Squeak for Windows CE/Cassiopea

Ned Konz ned at bike-nomad.com
Wed Dec 27 17:58:22 UTC 2000

On Tuesday 26 December 2000 11:51, Smith, Jonathan Arrender wrote:

> 1.  Is there a more up to date version of the virtual machine for
> MIPS/Windows CE?  I suspect most of the problems I have observed have to do
> with an out-of-date VM.

Not that I know of.

> 2.  Are there other images available for PDAs?  I would be interested
> having an image that re-engineers a few of the tools (browsers etc.) so
> that they would work well with a tiny display as well as including the
> morphic sub-system.

There has been talk about this, but I haven't seen anything. One
bright spot is the availability of nice small fonts (though I haven't got a  
pointer for you). Perhaps some of the look-and-feel work will help here.

> 3.  Is there active work on Squeak for Windows CE?  Any hope of updates?  I
> am interested in (possibly) using squeak as a delivery means and would be
> glad to put some work in to this.

There have been recent 2.8 ports to other platforms by a couple of Japanese
members of the list. Diffs have been posted here for use with the latest
version of the Microsoft Embedded Toolkit.

On Nov. 17, Yasuhiro KURAHARA <kurahara at kobe.hp.com> announced
a Squeak 2.8 VM for Windows/CE. I haven't had time to make a version for
the MIPS yet.

And Kazuhiro ABE <pg3k-ab at asahi-net.or.jp> used that to make a Squeak
for the Pocket Post Pet, which is a VR4121 based PDA.


I get the impression that 2.8 development for Win32 in general is more or
less stagnant, though Andreas has made his pre-2.8 sources available.

Here's the message from Kurahara-san:
Squeak 2.8 VM for CE  (Yasuhiro Kurahara,  Fri Nov 17 01:10:05 2000)

Good news, isn't it?

I'm sending a patch and a project file to build it on Microsoft eMbedded
Visual Tools 3.0.
The patch file is a diff file to an Andreas Rabb's original
(Squeak-pre-2_8-src.zip) and
can be applied. The project file contains Japanese characters. It cannot be
any problem.

I built for my Jornada 548. It works fine.


I can send you his diff.out and SqueakCE.vcp attachments if you're interested.

There are some remaining UI problems with pen-based machines having to do
with window sizing and menus; the window code assumes that mouse move events
will occur when the button is not clicked (=pen is up), but this doesn't
happen on a touch screen machine.

Ned Konz
currently: Stanwood, WA
email:     ned at bike-nomad.com
homepage:  http://bike-nomad.com

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