[BUG][FIX] crlf fix fix

Michael Rueger Michael.Rueger.-ND at disney.com
Fri Feb 25 20:49:17 UTC 2000

...ooops sorry,

forgot one method.



 "To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often." 
                                            Winston Churchill
| Michael Rueger                                             |
| Phone: ++1 (818) 623 3283        Fax:   ++1 (818) 623 3559 |
+---------- Michael.Rueger.-ND at corp.go.com ------------------+
-------------- next part --------------
"Change Set:		CrLf-fix-mir
Date:			25 February 2000
Author:			Michael Rueger

Fixes a bug in CrLfFileStream preventing from correctly detecting lineEndConvention for a crlf file.

!StandardFileStream methodsFor: 'read, write, position' stamp: 'mir 2/25/2000 12:37'!
	"Answer the next byte from this file, or nil if at the end of the file."

	| count |
	count _ self primRead: fileID into: buffer1 startingAt: 1 count: 1.
	count = 1
		ifTrue: [^ buffer1 at: 1]
		ifFalse: [^ nil].
! !

!StandardFileStream methodsFor: 'read, write, position' stamp: 'mir 2/25/2000 12:37'!
	"Answer the next byte from this file, or nil if at the end of the file."

	^self basicNext! !

!StandardFileStream methodsFor: 'read, write, position' stamp: 'mir 2/25/2000 12:37'!
	"Answer what would be returned if the message next were sent to the receiver. If the receiver is at the end, answer nil.  "
	| next |
	self atEnd ifTrue: [^ nil].
	next _ self basicNext.
	self position: self position - 1.
	^ next! !

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