This code hang up Linux VM..probably it is my fault...:((

Piero Campanelli campanelli at
Wed Feb 16 22:22:57 UTC 2000

Here it is the code:


queue :=ConnectionQueue portNumber: 5000 queueLength: 1.
process :=[ x :=queue getConnectionOrNil.
	  [ x isNil ] whileTrue: 
			[ x :=queuegetConnectionOrNil. ].
			self acceptConnection: x] newProcess.
process priority: 0.

that i do a process start and under Linux i receive:

campanelli at linux squeak]$ vm/squeak images/Squeak2.8aConn1.image 

Segmentation fault

1086586188 EchoServer>start
1086585784 UndefinedObject>DoIt
1086569272 Compiler>evaluate:in:to:notifying:ifFail:
1086563920 ParagraphEditor>evaluateSelection
1086563828 ParagraphEditor>doIt
1086564104 [] in ParagraphEditor>doIt:
1086563644 Controller>terminateAndInitializeAround:
1086563552 ParagraphEditor>doIt:


probably there is a problem with my configuration or perhaps i make
mistakes creating a server socket.

How do you create a Server Socket ?

S1) Create a ConnectionQueue
S2) Create a low priority process that polls the queue
S3) get the socket from the queue

Is there a better way ???


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